Oddballs Wiki

Principal Loudspeaker is a character in Robert James Rallsion’s show, Oddballs.

Before Oddballs[]

In JSMR it is revealed that when Principal Loudspeaker used to be a mischievous boy who even ended up going to Jail. After leaving Jail he became the Principal of Dirt School.


Loudspeakers face is never shown in the show, but it is teased once in the episode, “THE CLASS ACT”, when James is planning on stealing the “confiscated” snacks and shows their office. Principal Loudspeaker appears in many episodes and is the principal of Dirt High, the school James, Max, and his other wacky friends attend. There are multiple theories that Loudspeaker isn’t a person, but just the speaker, but this is disproven in the episode, “THE CLASS ACT” whenever Loudspeaker says they were once a substitute and a substitute principal. Although, Principal Loudspeaker appears rarely from the episode "THE CLASS ACT" so we don't know they for our need!
